More and more requirements are being imposed on proposed buildings, which have to take into account the changing environmental and usage conditions. So, last but not least, it is up to us to implement cost-effective handling of energy resources and materials, and to transform the regulations and guideline requirements into economically viable structures which are stable both now and in the future.
As general planer we offer a complete execution and coordination of your building project. By including architects and facilities planing specialists we take up all of project related planing, consulting, management and monitoring services.
Warehouse for bulk material Leuna
Our primary task in industrial construction is the completion of structural work, and structures for technical and other facilities. For technical facilities, knowledge in the disciplines of process engineering, power engineering, supply engineering and production engineering is of paramount importance. These technical components have to be combined to create the best possible overall system demanded by such structural and technical facilities.
Our experiences in plant constructions are:
Postbank Luxembourg
Apart from efficiency, this structures have to fulfill the twin criteria of form and function. We do not view the guiding principle of design, "form follows function", however, as a paradigm to use to find a form; but rather as a symbiotic goal to strive for, where originality in form and design with high aesthetic appeal more than fulfills the requirement for functionality.
Our experiences in civil building constructions are:
Special foundation of a middle wall
Civil engineering deals with design, construction and erection of technical structures, whose erection require special technical design calculations and unusual statics, or are going to be constructed using materials with special technical specifications.
Our experiences in civil engineering are: